
Ethan Louw, plagiocephaly

Dear Henk Human and personnel.
We as the Louw family would like to thank you for your excellent service.
You manufactured the cranial helmet that Ethan needed to fix the shape of his head.
From day one we received great service from you and your personnel. From the reception to the accounts department we experienced great service. Everyone went out of their way to let Ethan feel at ease during his first and second casting of his head for his helmet. During every follow up visit everyone was so friendly and allowed our busy son to run around and be himself.  
Thank you for your patience on days that Ethan was difficult, and that you accommodated us as working parents early in the morning before work.
Ethan ran around the office during every visit, without anyone complaining.
We as parents will advise anyone to make use of Henk Human Orthopedic services.  
Sincere thanks,
Gerhard, Carin and Ethan Louw

Cora Hellerle, trans tibial amputtee

I would like to express my thanks to Mr Human and his personnel.
From the first day that I visited your practice, for the manufacturing of my prosthesis, your service was always the best, and everyone was very friendly and helpful.  While I was in hospital I truly appreciated you working together with the doctors and hospital personnel and trying to make everything more comfortable for me.
Your efforts are truly appreciated. Please thank your staff as well.
Cora Hellerly


Frans Strydom, Sport Binnesole

Om elke dag op wolke te loop....

Ek is 'n PGA Golf Professional wat voltyds golf speel en afrig.  Na my ongeluk en operasie het ek baie pyn in my lae rug, linker enkel en linker knie ervaar. Ekt ook verneem dat my linker been korter is as my regter been. Ek kon nie meer die intense pyn verduur nie. My fisioterapeut het my verwys na Henk Human, en die res is geskiedenis.

Ek kon nie vir beter diens en advies vra nie. Almal wie ek ontmoet het; Wilma, Henk, Helet en Marthinette is baie vriendelik, nederig en meer as gewillig om te help. Ek voel regtig tuis elke keer as ek daar instap.

Ek was pasgemaak met 'n paar spesialis Sport binnesole. Die sole glip in my Footjoys in, wat my baie meer stabiliteit gee en 'n onmiddelike verbetering bied. Ek sal aan almal in 'n soortgelyke situasie Henk en sy vriendelike, kundige span aanbeveel.

Opregte dank aan Henk en sy span!

Primary Contacts

Tell: (012) 335 - 2796
Tell: (012) 335 - 4618
Fax: (012) 335 - 9248
Email: practice@henkhuman.co.za

Physical Address:
659 5th Avenue
Les Marais
South Africa

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 24961

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